News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
The mind can control the body: Body sensations found to be controlled by psychological stimuli more often than physical stimuli
The old adage of “mind over matter” is true, according to the results of a Hungarian study. Their findings proposed that most attention-related body sensations take their cues from psychological stimuli from the central nervous system (CNS) rather than from the peripheral nervous system (PNS.) The researchers reported that cognitive processes are responsible for body sensations such as numbness, pulse, […]
By Edsel Cook
Are you addicted to your phone? Signs of mobile phone addiction
Cell phones are even more pernicious than booze, smoking, and drugs because they seem so useful. An article on Be Brain Fit covers the signs of addiction to mobile phones and how to remedy them. There are many signs that you are getting too attached to your cell phone: You find yourself always checking it […]
By Edsel Cook
Insufficient acetylcholine responsible for those “senior moments” – here are natural ways to increase its levels
Acetylcholine earned its title of the “memory molecule” for a good reason. Low levels of the normally numerous neurotransmitter can make even young and otherwise smart people every bit the senile senior citizen. An article on Be Brain Fit shows how you can boost the amount of acetylcholine in your brain. The initial means is […]
By Edsel Cook
Simple exercises that increase your intelligence gradually
Everyone wants to be smarter. It so happens that there are ways to increase your intelligence every day. An article on Be Brain Fit related the 11 methods by which you can improve your brainpower. The first is hanging out with smart people. Intelligence can indeed rub off on you. People absorb ideas and knowledge from […]
By Edsel Cook
Natural ways to boost BDNF levels, a protein that encourages the growth of new brain cells
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) encourages the growth of new brain cells while also helping to preserve existing cells. There are many natural ways to raise the levels of this important protein, an article in Be Brain Fit stated. First, avoid factors that lower BDNF levels. Some of these, such as brain-related mental conditions, stress, or age, are […]
By Edsel Cook
Scientists transfer one snail’s memory onto another, potentially unlocking secrets of human memory transfer
American researchers reported that they implanted the memory of a sea snail into another individual snail. The technique might very well be applied to humans in the future, allowing memories to be transferred, altered, or even erased. The researchers developed the technique with Aplysia snails, which are also called sea snails, sea hares, and sea […]
By Edsel Cook
Study: Acupuncture is a safe and well-tolerated treatment for improving the cognitive function of Alzheimer’s patients
A recent study updated the evidence regarding the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for patients who are afflicted with mild to moderate cases of Alzheimer’s disease. It determined that the traditional Chinese medical treatment was indeed safe to use and that it improved cognitive function for patients. The study was held under the auspices of Tianjin […]
By Edsel Cook
Extract of a Chinese herb exhibits protective properties against cerebral diseases
A plant-based compound from the Chinese foxglove (Radix rehmanniae) showed promise as a means of protecting the brain from cerebral diseases. A Chinese study reported that catalpol encouraged the remyelination process that fixed neurological damage caused by multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune disorders. The study was supported by the Capital Medical University. Its findings were released […]
By Edsel Cook
Your brain may be older than your body, new study finds
A new animal study suggests that aging affects the brain earlier than the rest of the body. During the experiment, the immune cells of the brains of middle-aged mice showed similar activity to the ones in older mice, an article in American Physiological Society states. These cells are called microglia cells, which control potentially harmful […]
By Edsel Cook
Japanese researchers develop a way to monitor the inside of the brain in real time
A Japanese study combined two different techniques in order to keep track of live changes inside the brain. This new real-time observation method enables a brand new field of research dubbed “real-time metabolomics,” an article in Alpha Galileo states. Disease research places great importance on staying atop of the latest growth, development, and changes of […]
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