News & Articles By Michelle Simmons
By Michelle Simmons
Aspartame may be making you dumb: Study finds that the artificial sweetener disrupts your neurotransmitters
Another study proves that artificial sweeteners like aspartame are harmful to your health. The study, which was published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, has revealed that aspartame damages the brain. In particular, consuming this chemical sweetener for a long time will increase oxidative stress in the brain tissue and will […]
By Michelle Simmons
Pomegranates are a powerful nutritional preventive for inflammation-related diseases
Pomegranates are widely known for their great nutritional profile and powerful antioxidant content. Researchers at the University of Huddersfield in England and the University of Freiburg in Germany believe that pomegranates’ naturally occurring antioxidants known as punicalagins can suppress a type of inflammation associated with dementia and related diseases. Punicalagins are particularly found in pomegranate’s […]
By Michelle Simmons
Gut health for your brain: Probiotics, prebiotics found to manipulate the gut in obese and insulin-resistant individuals, restoring cognitive function
Probiotics and prebiotics restore the cognitive function of obese and insulin-resistant people by controlling their gut, a new study finds. Long-term consumption of foods that have high fat content can cause obese-insulin resistance as well as cognitive decline and microglial hyperactivity. A team of researchers from the Chiang Mai University in Thailand looked at the effect of […]
By Michelle Simmons
Continual consumption of aspartame found to increase oxidative stress in brain tissue
Researchers from King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia have found that aspartame, a common artificial sweetener, has a damaging effect on the brain. More specifically, they found that the long-term consumption of aspartame increases oxidative stress in brain tissue and disrupts neurotransmitters, which harms physiological functions. For the study, the researchers assessed the effect of […]
By Michelle Simmons
Lack of sleep affects how your brain stores memories
Recent studies uncover how sleep and distractions affect the ability of the brain to store memories. Researchers from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke find that communication between key brain regions increases when a person is asleep. The study focused on how the brain creates and stores new memories. The researchers used a […]
By Michelle Simmons
Neurologists encourage a social lifestyle to help fight dementia: Go out with friends, sing, challenge your brain
Neurologists suggest that going out with friends, singing, and performing brain-challenging activities can help prevent dementia, as reported by The Daily Mail. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 15 percent of adults aged 60 and above suffer from a mental disorder. Lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, and sleep largely influence dementia and […]
By Michelle Simmons
Long-term consumption of caffeine may worsen effects of Alzheimer’s
Drinking coffee and other caffeinated drinks for years on end may not be a good idea for people who already have Alzheimer’s disease. In a study published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology, it has been revealed that long-term consumption of caffeine can worsen the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. While memory problems are the most widely […]
By Michelle Simmons
Spikenard prevents diseases related to neuron cell inflammation
In traditional Asian medicines, spikenard (Nardostachys chinensis) is used as an anti-malarial, pain relief, and neurotrophic treatment. In a study published in the journal Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, spikenard was found to be a great natural anti-neuroinflammatory and neuroprotective agent, which means that it can help prevent diseases associated to neuron cell inflammation. Researchers from […]
By Michelle Simmons
Could the cure for Alzheimer’s be found in myrobalan?
Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) holds potential as a natural treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, which is one of the most common severe neurological disorders today. A study published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines found that myrobalan could be a promising natural treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. A team of researchers from Taiwan aimed […]
By Michelle Simmons
Is this why people on social media are so angry? Human relationships have lost their “touch”
In this technological age we live in, we have become too invested in social media that our physical interactions with other people have lessened. Even a slow, soft touch reduces the feeling of being socially excluded, according to a new study reported by the Science Daily. “As our social world is becoming increasingly visual and […]
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